Start Date: 9-12-2023

End Date: 9-19-2023

Team: Minji, Yiwei, Iris

First Sketches




First of all, we think about using the servo motor to create a project.

  1. A prize wheel
  2. A time machine
  3. An Earth and the Moon Orbit in space

First Attempt


We met a problem when we were trying to find a servo motor that could continue spinning in one direction.

What we could find are the 180-degree / 360-degree servo motors that act back and forth.

If we wanted a servo motor that could continue spinning, we had to make it by ourselves. However, we didn’t find a gear. (Oh no!)

Then we changed our ideas.

Second Sketch


We decided to make an interaction emoji.

Second Attempt



This is our simple emoji face. We were thinking that with the servo motors help the pupils can be changed.